Wheres Wally

Wheres Wally

Turns out we are quite the novelty. Drivers are tooting us, some filming us out the window, while others are catching up with us in petrol stations asking lots of questions.

Broken Down In Mackay

Broken Down In Mackay

David’s bike needed major repairs and my clutch is slipping. So laying low in Airlie Beach until Tuesday when Michael’s bike is repaired. Not too shabby a place to have time off in.

Brisbane in Just two Days

Brisbane in Just two Days

Day two finds us in Brisbane, staying with beautiful Claire, a dear friend. Day one landed us in Taree, having ridden 500 kms on my postie. It went like a dream. It turns out that we are quite the celebrities in our Where's Wally gear - heaps of people toot me as they...

On My Bike

On My Bike

We are meeting at the gates of HMAS Albatross tomorrow morning, 8:30 am, for the start of our ride. Fiona Phillips, Shelley Hancock and our other sponsors will be joining us. Everyone is most welcome to join us there for the farewell.   🙂